about footprints accountancy

Foreword by Julie Corbyn

“My accountancy journey began as a bank manager lending to businesses. I could always read a set of accounts; this was as clear to me as reading a book. This enabled me to make justifiable lending decisions on clients’ businesses.
However, I could never understand why business owners knew so little about the financial side of their businesses. Often when I asked them questions about their accounts, they would say ‘I don’t know my accountant did it’.

Further to this, when we asked for financial information, this was not readily available, and this would often put the business at risk. We were unable to support their cash flow needs without up to date accounts and management accounts.

Knowing that businesses were at risk and that there was a better way; 20 years ago I left banking and retrained to be a qualified accountant. Further to this, I am now one of a small team of trainers certified to deliver QuickBooks training in the UK training accountants and businesses on behalf of QuickBooks.

Doing accounting better, is hugely important to me. We want our clients to understand their numbers and to become bigger and more profitable businesses. This makes absolute sense, is better for the client and in all honesty better for us too. If you grow, we all grow!

Therefore, I ensure our team has the necessary skills and qualifications to be the best they can be. Once they qualify as a Qualified accountant, there training continues to include business training, management, leadership and beyond. Thereby giving you access to a qualified, experienced, enthusiastic and motivated team.

It is hugely important that we share the same moral compass and intentions for our clients, to be able to give the best possible service.

The name ‘Footprints’ is derived from the Christian poem ‘Footprints in the Sand.’ My beliefs are important to me and these ethics are embodied into the business.”

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julie robinson
Certified and Accredited
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What can you expect from us?

  • The year-end procedure, MUST include a meeting, either in person, Zoom or Teams.
  • At the meeting, there will be a full run through and explanation of the accounts.
  • We will discuss three years of your business, the year that we are signing off, the current year and plans for next year in order to see the full picture. 
  • There will be a discussion of what went well, what did not and what can be improved upon. 
  • We want you to share with us, your personal and family goals, so that we can understand and help you achieve them.
  • We will aim to find 3 ways of improving your business.
  • Throughout the year we are proactive, inviting you in quarterly, although you can come as often as you want.
  • You will be contacted one month after your year end to ensure the accounts are completed in a timely and efficient manner. Therefore, making the discussion a relevant discussion, completing year end accounts 9 months after the year end, makes the discussion old news! There is little an accountant can do after the horse has bolted. 
  • You will have support and access to enhancements in technology and software. There are many apps that can help you run your business effectively, time efficient which can lead to improved profitably. 
  • There are numerous free webinars that you are invited to throughout the year.
  • Frequent emails sent whenever there are budgets, changes in tax, grants available, anything that we see that may be helpful to your business will be forwarded.
  • You will have access to a full range of strategic partners that can help you in other areas of your business.
  • The team are handpicked to be people who are proactive, enthusiastic, motivated and driven about their careers, my business and yours.
  • The team are trained beyond accountancy. Once they qualify in accountancy, training will continue in business, management and leadership. Thus, making them more knowledgeable, motivated and enthusiastic.  
  • We have KPIs; to return phone calls within 3 hours, emails within 24 hours, meeting requests to be fulfilled within a week, VAT returns to be completed within 1 week of receiving paperwork, year end accounts to be completed within 1 month of receiving all paperwork. 

Accountancy is changing

Technology is becoming more advanced than ever before, and we can offer advice on these ever-growing applications to make your business and administration processes easier.

We are committed to being responsible accountants in South Yorkshire and Derbyshire and support a number of causes.
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