Not many businesses have the correct people looking after their finances. If you are a small business, you may be burning the midnight oil. With respect, we would question whether this was the best use of your time and whether you had the correct skills. If you are a bigger business, then you may have finance staff. If so, do you know what they should be doing? Are you able to correctly manage them because you understand their job? Do you know if they are doing all the necessary tasks each month to keep you on track and profitable?
Are you paying the correct salary? It may be that you are paying them well, let’s say Finance Director levels, but for 70% of their time, they are doing more basic functions such as payroll, bookkeeping and debt management. This would mean that you were vastly overpaying if you had someone too qualified for some of the tasks.
If you are paying a lesser salary, let’s say Finance Manager levels, then for some of their time they would be overpaid for more menial tasks but also, they don’t have the strategic and growth skills that a Finance Director would have.
Many clients utilise the skills of the Footprints team to run the finances for them. This means that you only pay for the time used at the correct level of experience. This would give you access to payroll clerks, bookkeepers, management accountants, accountants, growth specialists and finance directors. With all this support working alongside you and your teams, you would be primed to continue to grow a successful business.
We do not tie you into lengthy contracts, you can increase and reduce our support at any time, without any HR or redundancy issues.
We also work with many businesses on one-off bespoke projects. Examples include bringing your financial systems into the 21st century, realigning your software to enable accurate and timely management reports or developing and implementing systems to accurately report profit per product or service, department, or location.
The amount of time that modernising your systems would save you would be vast, we have often been told life-changing. Having accurate and timely financial data for your business will grow the size and profitability of your business. People often say accountancy is boring, having the information at your fingertips to profitably grow your business, is not boring, we find this extremely exciting.